Hungry for moreEurofurence 4

EuroFurence4 badge info.

And with each registration, you get a free (!) badge =) All you have to do is :

  • 1. Mail Unci and tell him your RL name, your NickName and your country of origin, Make sure you spell everything correctly because the way you spell it, is the way it is printed on the badge.

  • 2. Draw a pic of your furry self ( or as some like to call it, your character ) or get some worldfamous artist to do it, just or beg Unci (one of the worldfamous artists mentioned earlier) to do it, he might even do it for you ( you can ask, but I won't guarantee a yes =) If you decide to ask Unci to draw you, include a description so he knows what to draw =)

  • 3. Upload the JPEG or GIF image somewhere and ad the URL to the mail you are going to send Unci. (or if you already have a image of your furryself, ad that url) Make sure the pic is 50 mm high and 30 mm wide or scaleable to that size, also make sure its about 300 DPI, (or a bigger picture with lower DPI would be okay, once scaled down) ( The ideal pixeldimension would be 354x591x300, it is however not necerceiry ) The image can be in as many colors as you like or just plain B&W. If you do not have netaccess, email us and ask for a RL adres you can send your picture to, or incase you dont have a place to upload it, either send the image to us or corner Naros on IRC of anywhere else you run into him, and give him the image.

  • 4. Now you're ready to mail Unci give him the info, and a nice big hug for being such a nice fur to make all of us a badge =)

  • Some previews of how the badges will look :

    ExampleBadge1 ExampleBadge2 ExampleBadge3