Hungry for moreEurofurence 4

Eurofurence 4 Art Show

(This document is loosely based on the art show rules of EF3. Thanks to Miavir)

The art show of Eurofurence 4 will take place on Sunday 2 August, from 12 to 17 o' clock, in the main activity room of Ferme de Jean, building 2. At the same time a dealer's den will be held.

There are no extra costs for furs who want to show their art on the exposition. The art may be your own work or work of other artists. The art may be for sale or not. You may bring any artworks you find suited for a furry conference, but the art show staff keeps the final word in what will be exposed and what not. Responsible for the art show are H'Lven (Andreas Schulmayer), Miavir (Deon Ramsey), Naros (Robert Grinwis) and Sam (Serge Barthel).

General Policy

  1. The art show staff will decide which artwork will be exposed and which not. Our criteria are diversity and quality. A rule of thumb is that for each artist maximal five works will be exposed, but we can make exceptions to this rule if there is a good reason for it.

  2. Artworks cannot be send by mail. Artworks will only be accepted from furs who officially registered to EF4. The EF4 guests are responsible for the transport of artwork in their possession to and from the con. If you can't attend EF4 but send your artwork through an agent, this person will be responsible for the handling of your art. You are also responsible for the insurance of your artwork. The EF4 staff accepts no claims for damage to artwork. We recommend not to bring fragile artworks.

  3. We need to know in advance how many artworks you are going to bring, the name of the artists, the size, and a minimal bid if it is for sale. Please send a mail to Sam in which you describe each artwork in the following way:

    Your real name, and for each artwork:

    • artist
    • name of the artwork
    • size (A4, A3, x cm * y cm, etc.)
    • is it for sale? If so, minimal bid.

    We will produce a description/ bid sheet for each artwork containing the artist name, artwork name, minimal bid and four bid entries, if applicable. The art show staff reserves the right to refuse art that has not been notified and described in advance, so please send this mail a.s.a.p.!

  4. If your artwork is excessively large, heavy, expensive or has other non-standard features, please let us know in advance: you may add a note to the description of the artwork (see previous item) in that case.

  5. As you may have noticed, EF4 takes place in the Netherlands this year, which is one of the most tolerant countries of the world. As long as your artwork is not a photograph, but depicts a fictitious scenery, anything goes. There are no laws against depicting sexual acts of whatever kind. There are rules about what you can show on a photograph (child pornography is not allowed), but such artworks cannot be referred to as 'furry art' anyway. The art show staff may refuse art they consider to be of low quality or bad taste however. Needless to say that you are responsible for your artwork during transport, so choose the countries you pass through during your travel with care. Tip: avoid Iran and Saudi-Arabia. ;o)

  6. There will probably (but not for 100% sure) be a color A3 printer with high quality paper at the con, so you can bring artwork on floppy or CD-rom, prefurrably in TIFF, GIF, JPG or PNG format. The price of using the printer will be notified at the con. Exposed artwork can be original artworks or prints. You can expose and sell only one copy of a print through the art show. If you want to sell more copies, you have to take care of that yourself.

  7. 2D works must be matted and backed, ready to hang up. This requirement does not apply to prints. However, prints that are not matted, etc. must be covered in a plastic cover. This cover may be wasted during the exhibition due to attachment to a panel through tape or pins. We also recommend covering non-prints with some form of plastic to prevent touching.

  8. Each artwork must have the real name and address of the owner on its back. Artwork without a name and an address will not be accepted.

  9. Once entered into the show, all entries are subject to the following:

    • Conditions of sale may not be changed (min bids, etc.)
    • No artwork may be withdrawn until the end of the show.

  10. The number of bids to auction will be four. If fewer bids are received, the piece goes to the highest bidder. If a piece gets no bids, it will be returned.

If you have any questions about the policy or the art show, please send a mail to Sam.