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Videotaping and Photographing Guidelines

We appreciate it if you want to bring your video camera or photo camera and film the event! Even though, sad but true, we're forced to make some restrictions. There has been a lot of debate about unwanted publications of video material from furry conventions, and we want to avoid getting in trouble.

  • You will keep the copyright of all video and photo material you produce with one exception: Eurofurence e.V. reserves all commercial publishing rights for all recordings ad photos that were not made inside anyone's private quarters. You may do anything with your video material or photos, just not sell them. We will authorize one person to make an official con video, and we encourage everyone to submit their material, if they want to.
  • We reserve the right to deny filming and photographing rights to overzealous cameramen if guests should feel harassed by them, or if anyone keeps filming despite being told to stop it.
  • Videotaping and photographing in the artshow room require special permission and must be supervised by someone of the con staff. Filming and Photographing individual pieces of artwork are a violation of copyright, like it or not.

We are putting up these rules to prevent uncontrolled access of the media to recordings of con events. Some guests are very afraid of material depicting them showing up on TV without their approval (possibly in situations they wouldn't want their boss to see them in) Furthermore, some guests of past Eurofurences have complained to us about obstrusive video filming, and we think something like this shouldn't be allowed to ruin anyone's fun.

Thank you for your understanding!