EF20 - v1.1

Eurofurence 20
Crime Scene Berlin

Day Thu - Con Day 2 - 2014-08-21
Room Panel Room 5 — 30210
Start time 14:00
Duration 01:30
ID 441
Track Misc.
Language used for presentation English

Crime Solving in Times of Molecular Biology

Have you ever murdered someone and didn't get away with it? DNA might be the reason why! In this panel we will talk about molecular methods for crime solving, investigate a case that just happened at EF and talk about exiting cases from real life.

Have you ever murdered someone and didn't get away with it? DNA might be the reason why! In this panel we will talk about molecular methods for crime solving, investigate a case that just happened at EF and talk about exiting cases from real life. We will also take a look at the future, for example stuff like DNA nerf guns. You can even extract DNA live on stage! Also, if you like strawberries, be sure to join our investigations! You don't need any background in biology for this panel, just some drive to solve a crime