EF20 - v1.1

Eurofurence 20
Crime Scene Berlin

Day Fri - Con Day 3 - 2014-08-22
Room Panel Room 3 — Nizza
Start time 10:00
Duration 01:30
ID 419
Event type Other
Track Misc.
Language used for presentation English

Furry Entrepreneurship

Do you run a business within the fandom or do you have serious plans to start one? Then you really don't want to miss this opportunity!

Do you run a business within the fandom or do you have serious plans to start one? Then you really don't want to miss this opportunity! The goal of this panel is to share ideas and experiences, success stories and unfortunate failures and to discuss possible traps, loopholes and other issues every entrepreneur might encounter. In other words we would like to get the opportunity to learn from one another. For this reason the panel is more like a round table discussion in stead of a 'sit and listen' one. Your hosts will be Richard Nightfox (owner and director of Blackpaw Productions) and EZwolf (owner and director of EZcooldown cooling vests).