Chairo Cheetah Fjordwolf
Furvan Skunki Tommy Raccoon


You have built a fursuit and you like entertaining people? So come and join the Fursuit Contest. This is your chance to show the people what you've created and give you the possibility to have fun with them on the stage. All it takes is a Fursuit, your courage and creativity.


If you want to participate in the contest please fill out the form below and click "Sign me up!" when you're done. Fields marked with an "*" are required fields.

Of course, if you need advice with one of these things, you can contact us and we will give you as much support as we can. We have a huge collection of music available to leave you a broad choice.

(*) Registration Number:We need either this number or your nick name to sign you up!
(*) Nickname:The name of the suit's wearer
* Your Suit's name:How you call your suit
Your Suit's Species: 
Title of Performance:How we should announce your performance
Type of Performance:Dance, Comedy skit, Modeling and the like
Background Music:Name and artist of the title
Music Media:CD, DAT, MiniDisc, mp3, ogg, Tape or whatever


Group Photo Group Photo Group Photo

For those of you who never performed in front of an audience yet, don't panic. Our team will give you support to develop ideas for your show and help you overcome your stage-fright.

Here's a list of things you could do:

  • Select some music and do a dance for the people. This can be fast and dynamic or calm and expressive.
  • Do a fun performance like juggling while unicycling and balancing a chair on the tip of your nose. It only depends on your artistic abilities.
  • You could even try yourself as a standup-comedian with pre-recorded jokes.
  • And if you don't have the courage to do something spectacular, don't let it stop you to show off your suit at all! You could always come on stage and just turn around a few times to demonstrate your suit. The people who actually can beat Riverdance on stage are very rare.


To make this a contest the audience will vote for the best performance and best Fursuit. After the votes have been counted we will give out the awards to the winners in a presentation ceremony.


We need some people who volunteer helping the suiters find their way to the stage, care for them in the changing room and general support. If you are interested please contact us as well.


As we did last year, we want to supply all suiters with a fursuit-badge. This badge will show the name of the suit, the species, and a picture of the suit.

To get your picture on the badge you can either:

  • send your picture to this eMail address, or
  • bring your picture in a printed version to the con.

To avoid some of the problems we had last year, please send in your picture as soon as you register, or as soon as possible but not later than the 10th of August. We might be able to take pics at the location, but don't count on it.

We're waiting for you to join in and have fun!
Eisfuchs and Tigerseye, organisators of the Eurofurence 8 Fursuit Contest
