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Eurofurence Video Camera Policy

Generally, we appreciate it if you want to bring your video camera and film the event.

  • To prevent further trouble and end the debate about unwanted publication of material by third parties, there will be a centrally produced official Eurofurence Higlights Video similar to those from Confurence or other cons.
  • We reserve the right to deny filming rights to overzealous cameramen if guests should feel harrassed by them.
  • We also reserve all publishing rights on all video recordings made on Eurofurence grounds outside of private quarters.

Eurofurence legally is a private party on private property. That gives the organizers the domestic authority and the legal right to enforce the two latter rules. We put up these rules for the following reasons:

  1. We want to prevent uncontrolled access of the media to recordings of con events. Some guests are very afraid of material depicting them in embarassing situations showing up on TV without their approval.
  2. Unlike others, the EF organization team has the complete address database of all Eurofurence members. That means we can contact all people portrayed on video for approval before anything gets published.
  3. We want to prevent anybody from producing an "official" video which damages the reputation of Eurofurence, or at least we want that to be our own fault. (Be it because of the way it views the con or the technical quality of the video. Don't panic, please read on.)
  4. Quite a significant number of EF4 members have complained to us about obstrusive video filming.

Furthermore, video recordings in the artshow room require special permission and must be supervised by qualified con staff. Closeups of individual pieces of artwork are only allowed with explicit permission from the artists. These rules serve the protection of the artists' copyright.

Please, don't panic!

We surely will not be picky about permissions to publish video material. We also won't force anybody to hand out his videotapes for the official video. And we also do not care to who you copy or show your recordings privately.

The only thing we insist on is that you ask us before publishing anything of your material which was taped on the con outside anyone's private quarters.

We would like to ask everyone to give us a copy of their Eurofurence recordings. This is of course not an obligation!

It would be great if we could get as much video material as possible for the official highlights tape. If you have a video camera, don't be discouraged: Bring it to the con, and videotape whatever you like, as long as nobody feels personally harrassed. The more good recordings we get, the better the highlights video is going to be. Everyone who feels like it and has the possibilities is invited to visit us here in Berlin and help with editing. The official highlights tape will not be sold for profit.

Again, I want to emphasize: The point of all this is not censorship of content or the just-for-fun exertion of power. The point is to put the problem of obstrusive video recordings, unwanted publications, and violations of personal rights to an end, and to keep control over the presence of Eurofurence in the media BEFORE it becomes a problem. After all, it's each of us organizers who are legally responsible and possibly risking our heads.

Beyond that, we believe that the outcome will be significantly cooler if all video filmers work TOGETHER on the con video instead separately. Not to mention all the good material that usually disappears somwehere in a dark, dusty desk drawer, never to be seen again.