Researcher Registry

In order to guarantee the safety and comfort of all attending researchers on-site, our Data Team has compiled a compact, yet comprehensive set of statistics for our Safety Patrol as well as our guests. Not only do these numbers include the count of noses present at this year's conference, but they also provide an overview of the past few years.

So far, 0 participants have registered for the conference at the excavation site in the Sonnenallee district. After a thorough inspection of their credentials, 0 of these registrations have been accepted, while another 0 are still waiting for their approval. Luckily 0 have cancelled their registrations and chose not to join us in this exciting event.

Because a lot of resources are needed to further excavate and explore the remnants of the Ancestor's civilisation, all attendees are required to pay a small obolus to support these efforts and allow for the continuation of this project. This attendance fee has as of now been paid by a total of 0 attendees, to whom we express our utmost gratitude and who are looking forward to call our guests.

Available statistics:


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PPS: Hovering your mouse over the segments or bars will show you a tooltip containing the exact value represented by it.