EF20 - v1.1

Eurofurence 20
Crime Scene Berlin

Day Fri - Con Day 3 - 2014-08-22
Room Panel Room 7 — 30225
Start time 12:00
Duration 01:30
ID 458
Event type Lecture
Track Photography
Language used for presentation English

Steadycam for Beginners

Are you interesting in learning more about steadycam systems? I will tell you the basics about those systems.

Are you interesting in learning more about steadycam systems? I work with steadycams for a few years now, I have a lot of experience that I made myself (also with systems like the M10 Freefly Rigg, Glidecams, cheap steadycams and other riggs) and I will tell you the basics about those systems. You may know me and my friend from several YouTube channels, such as KeksTheFurry, AirsoftKeks and many more. We both never talk in public about the cameras we are using or the systems we are working with, so this is maybe the one and only chance to learn from us. But not only from us. This panel is open for anyone who make movies and we would also like to see your systems. Do you own a steadycam? Or a brushless gimbal system? Bring it to the panel!