EF20 - v1.1

Eurofurence 20
Crime Scene Berlin

Day Sat - Con Day 4 - 2014-08-23
Room Outdoor
Start time 17:30
Duration 00:30
ID 439
Event type Other
Track Photography
Language used for presentation English

Group Photo

Don't miss out on the chance of your lifetime! Seriously! You can only be part of the Eurofurence 20 group picture ONCE!

Don't miss out on the chance of your lifetime! Seriously! You can only be part of the Eurofurence 20 group picture ONCE! Never again is this going to be possible! Let's hope that the weather gods have mercy on us and won't spoil our fun. Because however big a hotel Eurofurence goes to… more people than we are able to fit into it will follow! This is why we have to take the group photo outside again – like we did at the Ringberg but without the nice scenery. Hmmm… Maybe we should talk to the Berlin officials about that? Since we are depending on the weather (and other conditions that might be beyond our control) we can only announce the "if" and "where" shortly before the event. There will be an announcement at the opening ceremony and on the notification boards as well as Twitter about it, please check shortly before! The shutter will "click" exactly at 17:50! Whoever is at the location by then will be in the picture, whoever isn't will not. You can wear your human clothes or your fursuit at your own discretion, nude humans will be dealt with by our trusted security members – and you might not like it!