EF20 - v1.1

Eurofurence 20
Crime Scene Berlin

Day Fri - Con Day 3 - 2014-08-22
Room Panel Room 5 — 30210
Start time 10:00
Duration 03:00
ID 429
Event type Lecture
Track Animation
Language used for presentation English

Virtual Reality Investigation

In trouble with this one case you can't solve? Step into the bodies of suspects and victims and re-live the situation! Get the feeling you need to solve the case!* Learn what you need to equip your laboratory with Virtual Reality and feel free to ask questions about it.

As new technologies develops, there are a lot more possibilities to do something completely criminal. To fight crime we need the best, of the best, of the best cheap equipment available. For example: Somebody gives his stepmother a virtual reality roller coaster ride. He programmed a heavy shocking moment into the coaster and scares the stepmother to death. With virtual reality we can recreate the crime scene in virtual reality and step into the virtual virtual reality roller coaster to safely recreate the moment that caused the victims death. Viewing the deadly roller coaster experience without simulated virtual reality would be to dangerous to verify the evidence. So be prepared for this way of crime investigation. We will talk about VR-Systems, accessories and more. Be prepared for your office of the future and stay up to date with virtual reality related technology.

*Results may vary, technology in development, non-crime Demos available.