EF20 - v1.1

Eurofurence 20
Crime Scene Berlin

Dhary Montecore
Onkel Kage
Day Thu - Con Day 2 - 2014-08-21
Room Panel Room 1 — Paris
Start time 12:00
Duration 01:30
ID 410
Event type Other
Track Misc.
Language used for presentation English

Your First Furry Convention

If this is your first visit to a Furry convention, you probably have a lot of questions. Join us for a talk and some helpful advice from people who have been where you are.

If this is your first visit to a furry convention, you probably have a lot of questions. How do I talk to artists? What should I do to maximize the fun? What should I avoid? How do I explain what this is to people? What are all these things they gave me during registration? How can I make friends with a famous person? And why are there so many rules? Join us for a talk and some helpful advice from people who have been where you are. We will help you to avoid the pitfalls and make Eurofurence 20 the most fantastic experience of your life!