Bus Schedule - Bus 205 from travelling center/railway station to Central Ryd.

Monday-Friday       Saturday         Sunday
hour   minute       h      min       h      min
05     53           06-23  06 36     08     36
06-07  13 33 53                      09-23  06 36
08     13 33
09-14  03 33
15     03 33 53
16-18  13 33 53
19     13 36
20-23  06 36

So, let's say you arrive by train 17:20. Then you grab the 17:33 bus 205
to Ryd Centrum, and if you can't read my map, call 260332 and tell me you've
arrived. :)

The school's address is: Bjoernkaerrsgatan 17

Our (me and Murr) address is: Alsaettersgatan 1A:21  (2nd floor)
(the name on the door says 'Martin Gauffin')