EF18 - version 1.0.1

Eurofurence 18
Animalia Romana

Day Fri - Con Day 3 - 2012-08-31
Room Salon "Magdeburg" - Panel Room 5
Start time 18:30
Duration 02:30
ID 75
Event type Other
Track Games
Language used for presentation English

The Fursuit Game Show

Stage Briefing

So you think you have seen the EF Fursuit Gameshow, and it is too tame? Well, guess again! We are back this year with some brand new ideas and quite a few changes!

More action than ever. This is for gladiators, not for sissies!

See the Conbook page 30 for signup information and details!

To prevent the hassle of getting all winners from the preliminaries to the stage at the same time and keep them there we will open up a room. The briefing will not take three hours per team!