EF18 - version 1.0.1

Eurofurence 18
Animalia Romana

Day Fri - Con Day 3 - 2012-08-31
Room Salon "Stuttgart" - Panel Room 1
Start time 12:00
Duration 01:30
ID 6
Event type Workshop
Track Fursuit
Language used for presentation English

How to be a Demon

Fursuit Performance in Non-Mascot Costumes

This workshop focuses on halloween-style performances; acting aggressive while, at the same time, not actually being aggressive, and remaining safe, for both the performer and audience.

With Halloween just some few month away, the chance to perform, not as a cute, friendly character, but as an evil, aggressive demonic beast will begin to present itself. In this panel, we will discuss how to perform safely as a more aggressive character.

Audience members are encouraged to appear in costume, as this will be an interactive panel.