EF18 - version 1.0.1

Eurofurence 18
Animalia Romana

Alex "Khaki" Vance
Day Sat - Con Day 4 - 2012-09-01
Room Salon "Stuttgart" - Panel Room 1
Start time 14:00
Duration 01:30
ID 9
Event type Lecture
Track Writing
Language used for presentation English

How to Trick Your Audience into Thinking your Story is Good

Readers have desires and expectations that may be very different from your ambitions as a writer. Before you can decide whether you want to please your audience, it's important to know how to. In this session, we'll discuss how a writer can impress, manipulate, and appease his or her readers -- and how to avoid making a bad impression.

Readers have desires and expectations that may be very different from your ambitions as a writer. Before you can decide whether you want to please your audience, it's important to know how to. In this session, we'll discuss how a writer can impress, manipulate, and appease his or her readers -- and how to avoid making a bad impression.