EF18 - version 1.0.1

Eurofurence 18
Animalia Romana

Day Fri - Con Day 3 - 2012-08-31
Room Salon "Halle" - Panel Room 3
Start time 19:00
Duration 05:00
ID 18
Event type Other
Track Social
Language used for presentation English

Game Corner

Come by and play some board or card games with other furs! Whether you are looking for a fast-paced game to take a short break, or if you’re planning to spend an evening with a complex strategy game, you’ve found the right place! We offer a variety of games to choose from, and always welcome other games people would like to bring along. If you want to find participants in a game or want to check what’s going on, keep an eye on the hashtag #efgc12 on Twitter, where you can post the status of hosted games.

Come by and play some board or card games with other furs! Whether you are looking for a fast-paced game to take a short break, or if you’re planning to spend an evening with a complex strategy game, you’ve found the right place! We offer a variety of games to choose from, and always welcome other games people would like to bring along. If you want to find participants in a game or want to check what’s going on, keep an eye on the hashtag #efgc12 on Twitter, where you can post the status of hosted games.